Student Ambassador Program


The Advanced Textiles Association (ATA) is a member-driven trade association representing the Specialty Fabrics and Technical Textile Industry. It’s mission is to contribute to the prosperity of its members in the textiles industry by providing a global marketplace for innovative products, services, relevant education, promotion, and networking opportunities. ATA will act with integrity and professionalism in providing tangible value to its members.

Along with its mission to members, ATA also offers students free membership to students enrolled in industry-related education, for the duration of their degree program. With ATA’s growing commitment to students, we wanted to establish a Student Ambassador Program to help bridge the gap between education and the industry. The mission/goal of the program is to bring a students’ voices to the association as well as provide ATA with student leaders who participate in an official capacity on the following:

  • Advanced Textiles Expo (and possible other events)

  • Participate on ATA podcasts

  • Participate on one of ATA’s official advisory boards and councils

  • Promote ATA and the textiles industry via their connections and social media channels

  • Recruit other students/be an example for others to join in the future 

Participation as a student ambassador will be beneficial to all participants by fostering the growth of leadership, communication, and personal and professional development while creating long-lasting ties with professionals in the industry. This is a volunteer role and each student can apply this as credit if needed.  

Ethical Standards

Student ambassadors will be representing ATA in a professional capacity. They are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic and professional honesty and responsible behavior required by ATA and their university. All ambassadors are expected to maintain the required GPA and participation requirements (see requirements and commitments description). 

Selection and Interview Process

A completed application needs to be submitted for prospective interested students. The selection committee will then schedule a formal interview. Students will be notified if they are accepted within 1-2 weeks of initial interview. The interview will consist of an ATA staff member and an Emerging Technologies Council Advisory Board member, and will last approximately 30 minutes.


  • Enrolled in an academic program related to the textile industry or has related coursework in the textiles industry
  • Minimum 2.75 GPA 
  • 1 recommendation letter from faculty or advisor 
  • 24 credits or more at their university 
  • Must be considered full-time (12 credits) 
  • Positive and enthusiastic attitude 
  • Excellent communication and time-management skills 
  • Willingness to be mentored  
  • Interest in engaging with professional in the industry as well as speaking to students at your university to make them knowledgeable of ATA and its offering to students 
  • Ability to work well with others and be a team player 
  • Knowledge of their university and degree offerings that relate to the industry 
  • Willingness to learn and be knowledgeable about ATA  


  • 1 year commitment
  • Attend required training session(s)
  • Participate in ATA’s annual Expo event
  • Participate in panel discussions for ATA’s podcast
  • Promote ATA events via social media channels and peer-to-peer
  • Maintain enrollment at least 12 credit hours at their university
  • Maintain a 2.75 GPA
  • Students will be required to wear ATA apparel (ATA will provide)

Application For Student Ambassador

In order for this application to be complete, you need to:

  • Complete the application
  • Upload a copy of your resume
  • Unofficial copy of your transcripts
  • Have one letter of recommendation submitted by a faculty or staff member through the ATA website

Please fill out all the required fields and provide the name of the person who will be submitting a recommendation letter, along with unofficial transcripts and resume. 

Student Advisor Information


If you have any questions about the Student Ambassador Program, please contact: Tara Houston, Member Programs Specialist,